To report a student absence please send an email to [email protected]
Please remember a student is allowed FIVE excused parent notes per semester. Please be advised this will count as a parent note for today's absence, but should you exceed five parent notes, the sixth and beyond will then be marked as an unexcused absence. Additional absences pass the five days will be excused only with a medical excuse signed by a health care professional.
Columbia County students are expected to attend school daily. Parents should send to the school a written explanation of any absences. The note should include the date(s) for the absence(s).
Students who are sent home by the nurse with a fever must be out of school a minimum of 24 hours. Students who are absent more than 2 days must bring a doctor’s/medical note for the period of the absence. If the doctor’s note details when student can return to school, the student may not return prior to the doctor’s excused date.
Excused Absences
- Personal illness
- Serious illness or death of an immediate family (immediate family includes parents/legal guardians, grandparents, siblings, and stepfamily)
- Special and recognized religious holidays recognized by their faith
- Mandated order of government agencies
- Registration to vote (limited to one day)
- Emergencies which reasonably necessitate absences from school
- Special events which reasonably necessitate absences from school as listed below:
- Post-secondary education visits to colleges or universities beyond 50 miles
- Chamber of Commerce Youth Leadership events
- Participation in events or programs sponsored by national organizations, colleges, or universities
- Any other special event approved by the school principal.
- Days missed from school to visit with a parent or legal guardian prior to his or her deployment to or during leave from an overseas assignment to a combat zone or combat support posting, up to a maximum of 5 school days per school year.